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Every child is unique in their learning journey. The “Luz familia” Program is our licensed playgroup program that is formed in our heart and mind. We believe in building the capacity of each unique student to be confident, capable, lifelong learners. Our program at Luz familia follows a holistic curriculum in addition to being inspired by Montessori, Regio Emilia and is complemented by yoga, mindfulness and nature exploration.

We value each child's individual learning needs. Our small class sizes allow for authentic connection and meaningful learning in a supported environment. As many preschoolers are entering school for the first time, we aim to make this a positive and welcoming experience! Make them feel at home, as luz familia is the second home where they can be themselves and grow with personal attention towards the age of 6 and go to school confident and ready to enjoy learning.


Early learning at Luz

The luz program is divided in two groups,
group one “sunshines” 3/4Y is inspired by Reggio Emilia principles.

Reggio Emilia puts the child in the centre of all learning in the classroom. Sensory play, art and mindfulness as a guiding factor.
The guides allow the students to guide her, instead of the teacher guiding the students. Understanding that children speak a hundred languages, Imagine believing that children have the ability to express themselves in more than one way. They can understand and communicate in magical ways.

The other group “amigos de luz” 4/5Y is Montessori approached, with the materials and qualified guides. The Montessori method is a child-centered approach to education that emphasizes hands-on learning, independence, and respect for a child's natural psychological development. It operates on five key principles: respect for the child, the absorbent mind, sensitive periods, the prepared environment, and auto-education - the enjoyment of learning. Learning new things, being curious and shine your light.

All guides use both methods, and all children can use both classrooms. We are one familia and will always use the whole space for everyone, it’s organic and on the pace of the child needs.





9:00 till 16:00

The Luz Program is our licensed playgroup that is located in the beautiful pittoresk village San Joan in Ibiza. Luz" is an idea that is formed in your heart and mind. We believe in building the capacity of each unique student to be confident, capable, lifelong learners!

Our program is a gentle introduction to learning with music, creative exploration, and allowing each child to grow at their own pace.

We are Reggio-inspired, with Montessori methods and complemented by yoga, mindfulness, and nature exploration. We value each child's individual learning needs.

Our small class sizes allow for authentic connection and meaningful learning in a supported environment. As many preschoolers are entering school for the first time, we aim to make this a positive and welcoming experience! Make them feel at home, as luz familia is the second home where they can be themselves and grow with personal attention towards the age of 6 and go to school confident and ready to enjoy learning.

The Sunshines: group age 3/4 The amigos de Luz: group age 3/4/5 Children can stay at Luz familia program till their 6th birthday



Please let us know if you have any questions or would like to book a tour! We would love to see you at LUZ.

Whatsapp +34 609 82 87 45

De Sa Cala 15 loc

07810 Sant Joan de Labritja

Tel: +34 609 82 87 45


© 2023 Familia Luz | Designed by House of concepts

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